Oh Canada! - Travel Tuesday

Any mention of cheese or crepes sends Julia Kastner, Founder & CEO of Eva & Paul, down memory lane to her favorite city in Canada.  

When Julia is looking for a quick get-away from the bustle of New York City, her first choice is to unwind in Montreal.  Having lived there during college, she was able to really discover its gems - elegant eats, scenic views, and a sophisticated oh-so-french air.  As a former trading port and gateway to Canada, Montreal's rich history resonates throughout its streets.  Three peaks called Mount Royal Mountain ( or Parc du Mont-Royal!) rest in the heart of the city, giving a calming energy.  With 19 boroughs surrounding this amazing city, there's always an adventure around the corner... 


 Photo sourced from tumblr.com

 Photo sourced from tumblr.com

The Plateau gives a feeling of New York's East Village with a French flair - also one of Julia's favorite hangouts.  Walking into to this bohemian part of town, you'll come across many art galleries.  From top to bottom, Julia recommends its books, cafes, and colorful houses.  Its laid back attitude makes it the perfect low-key resting spot with a perfect view - just facing the eastern slop of Parc du Mont-Royal.



Although Julia is not fluent in French, she has mastered some key phrases to make sure that she can shop!  Taking a stroll in 'Old Montreal' down St. Laurent Blvd. and St. Denis is where you will find the best boutiques and shops.  It also happens to be where Julia bought a timeless styled prom dress on an all-girls trip.  Apart from great style, these streets are filled with old charm.  The architecture, restaurants, and many small boutiques transport you to another era - making it quaint and cozy.  You can easily cover these shopping strips in less than a full day, giving you plenty of time for more exploration. 


Photo sourced from www.montreal-tourisme.org

Photo sourced from www.montreal-tourisme.org

There are two things Julia cannot live without - chocolate and french fries. 

So, when unwinding from a day of browsing and shopping, Julia will always head over to 'Juliette et Chocolate,' to choose from a large selection of raw chocolates straight from the plantations of tucked cities in South America.  Afterwards, she'll enjoy her favorite - the classic 'Poutine' or, french fries topped with brown gravy and cheese curd. For the finale, she'll go for some foie gras.

Photo sourced from fashionframboise.com

Photo sourced from fashionframboise.com

Photo sourced from Julietteetchocolate.com

Photo sourced from Julietteetchocolate.com